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Our Community

Parents – the parents of Camino de Paz students are what make everything possible.  Our students represent both New Mexico and the world.  Typically 1/3 are Native American, 1/3 Hispanic and 1/3 Anglo.  They come from mixed social economic strata; they come with backgrounds revealing diverse educational opportunity.  Most come with family business or direct farming experience. We host international students from around the world.








Our Educational Partners celebrating 20 years of collaboration


  • La Mariposa Montessori School of Santa Fe, New Mexico Is an educational partner and an AMI guided primary and elementary community.  It’s director Katrina Holder has long been a board member of Camino de Paz. 

  • Montessoristiftelsen Lära för Livet of Varberg Sweden is an established primary, elementary and adolescent AMI guided program with a farming Erdkinder and sister school with which we share staff training.

  • International Montessori Training Institute, Unionville, Ohio, is an established AMI Montessori training center offering a diploma course and other workshops for adolescent educators.

  • TNAFA, the Traditional Native American Farming Association, is an indigenous sustainable design partner focusing on revitalizing traditional agriculture for spiritual and human need. 

  • For the last six years Camino de Paz has annually partnered with: Colegio Hala Ken of Queretero Mexico an established primary, elementary, and adolescent AMI guided program with a farming Erdkinder and a sister school with which we exchange students, staff and conduct frequent visits. 



Our co-producing partners

  • Mountain Mamma Milling, Monte Vista Colorado is a flour mill. 

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